Summit Title: "E-Data Retention, Discovery and Destruction: Developing and Implementing IT Policy"
Announcement: We have cancelled this conference. We are evaluating whether to revive it at different place, time and/or format. If readers or potential partners/sponsors have any ideas, please contact Ben Wright. Many thanks to the speakers who agreed to support this summit.
Former date and place: September 27-28, 2010, Las Vegas
Summit Description: Almost unheard of ten years ago, electronic discovery is today chewing up IT resources – equipment, services and staff time. Recognizing that many electronic records such as e-mail, spreadsheets and text messages might some day be demanded in a lawsuit or freedom-of-information request, what policy should your enterprise adopt for retaining and destroying electronic records? Although it is foolhardy to keep everything forever, numerous, recent court cases have punished organizations for failing to retain data, or for failing to find and disclose it in a timely, responsive manner. This summit [conference] draws from the wisdom of diverse experts and end-users, including case studies, to address:
- the process for setting workable policy,
- techniques for managing storage and service costs,
- confidentiality, security and other tradeoffs between in-house and cloud storage,
- ever-improving methods for searching and culling vast troves of records,
- real-world experiences on the interplay between lawyers and IT professionals,
- protocol for access to records for internal investigations,
- international issues, including non-US privacy laws.
Given that law and technology are simultaneously undergoing rapid change, the summit assesses what the future may hold for e-records management policy, products, services and legal expectations.
We are looking for sponsors and suggestions! If you wish to exhibit or offer an idea, then please:
- leave a comment below; or
- call me at 1.214.403.6642; or
- email ben underscore wright at compuserve dot com (put "BLOG" in subject line).
Update: We are proud to announce these confirmed speakers:
- Steven Broberg and Shawn Malone of the Records Management Department of Travis County, in Austin, Texas
- Jorge Rey, Director of Information Security and Compliance, Kaufman, Rossin & Co., P.A. (policy development case study)
- Kevin Bong, Director of Corporate Security, Johnson Financial Group (end-user policy case study)
- Sonian, Inc. (cloud email archiving)
- Alex Blumrosen (American attorney practicing in Paris, France)
- Greg Smith, Messaging Architects
- Vivien Osamiluyi, Internal Auditor, Legg Mason
- CrowdFlower will demonstrate crowdsourcing as a tool for assessing large quantities of documents in an official investigation, such as a lawsuit or government inquiry
- Michael Osterman of Osterman Research
- Brian W. Foster, Access Sciences Corporation
- Kevin Larson - Qualcomm, Inc (end user enterprise)
- Digital Reef
- Jesse Wilkins - Access Sciences Corporation
- Jim Balter - University of Miami
Twitter hashtag for the Summit: #sanspolicy
Summit Agenda
[Tentative as of July 21, 2010 - Subject to Revision.]
[Not yet approved by Speakers.]
September 27 – 28, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Title: "E-Data Retention, Discovery and Destruction: Developing and Implementing IT Policy"
The mission of this Summit is to stimulate discussion and debate as a tool for learning. Each session will allow ample time for interaction among participants.
DAY ONE Monday, September 27
9:00-9:40: Welcome and Introduction
Speaker: Benjamin Wright, Summit Chairman
Title: Resolving the conflict in electronic records retention policy setting.
Abstract: The quantities of electronic records are skyrocketing, and courts are expecting better retention of them. How do we reconcile these developments with traditional records management practices? What to expect in this Summit. Mr. Wright will query participants to bring their issues and experiences to light.
Throughout the Summit, Mr. Wright will attempt to summarize and stimulate discussion around major points that emerge from the sessions.
9:50 – 10:50
Title: Records Managers – Travis County, Texas – Confront E-mail
Speakers: Steven Broberg and Shawn Malone, Records Department, Travis County, Texas.
Abstract: Professional records managers will articulate the considerable challenges they have encountered in trying to square legal expectations with the realities of email in a complex enterprise having 4500 email users.
10:50 – 11:10 Break
11:10 - 12:15
Session Title: Experts on Record Retention Policies
Speaker: Access Sciences Corporation - Brian W. Foster (former Director of eDiscovery at one of the top five global oil companies) and Jesse Wilkins
Session description to be determined.
Lunch 12:15 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:20
Session Title: Finding Email Records in the Real World
Speaker: Greg Smith, Messaging Architects
Abstract: Practical e-discovery experience – the proliferation of email records throughout an enterprise, including in unexpected places. Stories from the trenches.
2:20 – 2:40 Break
2:40 – 3:55
Session Title: User Panel
Abstract: All enterprises wrestle with how to set policy for the retention of electronic records in a changing environment. Hearing the experiences of diverse user enterprises can paint a more realistic picture of what is possible and what should be expected for well-crafted policy.
Panel Members:
Internal Auditor: Vivien Osamiluyi, Legg Mason
Kevin Bong - Johnson Financial Group
Kevin Larson - Qualcomm, Inc (end user enterprise) - How do security issues influence policy on electronic records retention? Podcast about Kevin's presentation: Download Sans_intro_klarson
- Jim Balter - University of Miami
Steven Broberg and Shawn Malone, Records Department, Travis County, Texas
4:00 – 5:00
Session Title: e-Discovery's Influence on Email Record Retention Policy
Speakers: Digital Reef - Steve Akers (Founder and CTO) and Digital Reef's Customer, James Bandes
Abstract: What are practical experiences with e-discovery telling us about how to write and implement e-record retention policies?
DAY TWO Tuesday, September 28
9:00 – 10:00
Session Title: European Experience
Speaker: Attorney Alexander Blumrosen, Bernard-Hertz-Béjot - Paris, France
Abstract: In lawsuits and investigations, privacy issues can loom larger outside the US. How are these issues influencing e-Discovery and the development of e-records policy in Europe?
10:05 – 11:00
Session Title: Drawing Practical Lessons
Speaker: Benjamin Wright, Summit Chairman
Abstract: What are the larger implications of the stories from day 1? How can these be combined with the lessons today to write a take-home list of principles and guidelines? Mr. Wright will lead the group in compiling that list, starting now and running through the rest of the day.
11:00 – 11:20 Break
11:20 – 12:15
Session Title: The Future of Electronic Records Policy and Technology
Speaker: Michael Osterman, Osterman Research
Abstract: What are the big trends in records management and e-discovery and how are organizations not keeping pace from a policy perspective with regard to records management, social media management, or managing data for regulatory or legal compliance? How is technology changing and what is the role of technology vis-à-vis things like employee training and establishment of corporate policies? What can we expect two years, five years from now? How should enterprises prepare for the future from both a technology and non-technology perspective?
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:30
Session Title: e-Mail & Electronic Records Disposal Policy Case Study
Speaker: Jorge Rey, CISA, Kaufman, Rossin & Co., P.A.
Abstract: In this case study, an accounting firm helped an organization save costs by implementing a policy that reduced the quantity of electronic records and emails retained. During this session, ample time will be available for all Summit participants ask questions, make comments and debate.
2:30 – 2:50 Break
2:50 – 3:40
Session Title: Cloud Storage of Records
Speaker: Sonian, Inc. and End-User Customer
Abstract: What are the true costs for storing enterprise email in the cloud? As a practical matter, can the enterprise be assured that those records will be secure and will be retrievable many years in the future? Will privacy and confidentiality issues limit the use of cloud services for the storage of critical business archives? Can these issues be addressed with contracts, technical controls and other procedures?
3:45 - 4:15
Session Title: TBA
Speaker: TBA
4:20 – 5:00
Session Title: Crowdsourcing Demonstration
Speaker: CrowdFlower
Abstract: In modern lawsuits and investigations, the massive volumes of electronic records is daunting. How do we make sense of all these records? Crowdsourcing may be one effective tool, where a swarm, an army, of virtual workers is employed to review and analyze records. CrowdFlower will present a pioneering demonstration of this concept, live at the Summit. Don't miss this unprecedented learning experience. Download Media alert SANS-CrowdFlower
Looks interesting, Ben. I'd bet that you could add to it by finding someone from the FOIA world who is making the sort of requests that governments find difficult or expensive to deal with.
Posted by: Ed Vielmetti | June 04, 2010 at 09:54 PM
Well, I speak on email mgmt, social media and its implications for a records mgmt program, etc. - but it looks like the conference is rather structured already? You can see some of my prev work at; my engagements include ARMA 2003-2010 (selected), AIIM 2003-2010, and MER 2010....
Posted by: Jesse Wilkins | June 24, 2010 at 10:03 PM
Jesse: The Summit agenda is NOT set in stone yet. We are still looking for speakers and topics. You might be a fit. I will contact you directly. Thanks --Ben
Posted by: Benjaminwright | June 27, 2010 at 09:58 AM
This conference looks very interesting and I am interesting in presenting on the topic of information governance. I presented at the IBM Impact conference and RSD has participated in a number of local ARMA events and the annual conference. I just sent you an email and look forward to connecting.
Posted by: Tamir Sigal | July 21, 2010 at 08:38 AM